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Our genes, age, eating habits and lifestyle can impact our chances of developing critical illnesses.

Find out how healthy you are by answering the questions below:


Date of Birth




Select your Gender

Height and Weight

Feet (ft)

Inches (in)

Weight (lbs)


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Do you smoke?

How many servings of alcohol do you consume in a week?

How many cups of coffee do you consume?

Do you exercise at least 5 hours per week?


Have any of your parents
passed away due to a cardiovascular illness, or cancer?

Do you have a personal history of diabetes, cancer, or heart disease?


To know your health score please provide your name and contact information. This will give you an idea on the probability of developing a critical illness before you turn 55.

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Full name

Your email address

contact number

Monthly budget
for health savings

How did you learn about
the Health Risk Score?

Select Your Location


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Two major factors contribute to the probability of developing a critical illness:

heredity and lifestyle.

While genetic make-up is not something we can control for now, some lifestyle changes can be made in order to lower our chances of contracting a critical illness.

This can be done by making a personal commitment to engage in regular physical activity, abide by proper nutrition, quit smoking, and control alcohol consumption.