Moneywise Parenting: 5 Habits to Raise Financially Independent Kids

01 April 2024 | 3 Min Read

Created in Partnership with Edukasyon.PH


As essential as it is to teach your kids how to read and write and to be kind to their elders, it is equally important to educate them about managing money early on. While it is a complicated subject to discuss, especially in a culture where the topic of money is taboo, it shouldn’t be avoided. Teaching your kids basic money concepts such as saving, budgeting, and distinguishing between needs and wants can lay a good foundation for responsible financial behavior in the future. 

Just like any other skill, money management takes time to learn, so why not start young? Here are some tips to raise financially secure kids without breaking a sweat: 

  1. Make the money conversation fun.Teaching kids about money doesn't have to be dull! Take advantage of everyday moments, like when they ask for candy or receive their allowance, to start the conversation. You could begin by explaining that money is crucial for buying the basic things in life. While money holds importance, discuss with them that it is merely a tool acquired through work. You could incorporate fun activities or roleplays during playtime where they act like a cook or a cashier working in a restaurant. This approach will offer them a clearer understanding of the importance of money.For a more engaging approach, try bonding over money-themed board games, weaving in lessons about money management as you play together. 
  2. Impart to them the joy of saving up. A great way to instill the importance of saving money in your kids is by involving them in real-life situations. For instance, teaching them to set aside a portion of their allowance towards purchasing a console game or a toy they really want can be highly effective. Additionally, provide them with gentle reminders from time to time to reinforce the idea that saving money requires patience for the sake of achieving bigger goals and gratification in the future. 
  3. Show them how to budget using their imagination.As adults, we make budget decisions based on our wants and needs—instilling this concept in your kids from an early age is a must. Begin by explaining the difference between wants and needs in the simplest terms. Tell them that a need is something essential for survival, such as food, shelter, and clothing, while a want is something desirable but not necessary, such as toys, video games, or luxury items. To help them understand this concept, assist in budgeting their allowance by providing visual aids like charts or graphs to track spending on snacks, recreational activities, and savings. 
  4. Teach them the value of hard work and earning. As cliché as it may sound, an effective way for your kids to realize the value of money is by letting them work for it. By asking them to arrange their toys or help with household chores in exchange for an additional allowance, you're imparting upon them the knowledge that earning money isn't easy and that they should be more aware of how to spend it wisely. With this, you’re also teaching them how to be responsible in handling finances at an early age so they can carry this skill into adulthood. 
  5. Enlighten them about the importance of having a safety net. It's never too early to start educating your kids about the importance of having a safety net. You can easily explain this concept by giving them two piggy banks: one for saving money for toys, food, and activities, and the other for use in case of emergencies, such as eyeglass repair or if their toy gets broken. Through this simple routine, your kids will be able to see the importance of setting aside money for emergencies that they might need to address in the future. 

Building healthy money habits at a young age is vital for shaping your children into financially responsible adults in the future. In addition to the tips we’ve shared, as a parent like you, you must lead by example in handling finances. Furthermore, ensuring financial preparedness for your children’s future through an insurance plan is paramount. By prioritizing their long-term financial security with measures such as education funds and health coverage, you’re not only protecting their well-being but also instilling the importance of proactive financial planning. 

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