Notice to customers re: Intent to merge

We have good news as we continuously uphold our commitment to help you protect everything that matters to you.

Philippine AXA Life Insurance Corporation (“AXA Philippines” or “Corporation”) has been in the process of completing its integration with its general insurance arm Charter Ping An Insurance Corporation (“CPAIC”) to become one of the very first major insurers in the Philippines to offer both life and non-life products under one roof, so you only need to remember one name for all your insurance needs.

In the last five years, you may have noticed improvements, such as the conversion of AXA Philippines and CPAIC branches into “One AXA” Service Centers, to give you better service and convenience of transactions.

In the last Special Meeting of the Board of Directors and at the Special Meeting of the Stockholders both on 10 September 2021, the Board of Directors and the Stockholders of AXA Philippines approved the Corporation’s merger with its wholly-owned subsidiary, CPAIC, subject to regulatory approvals (“Merger”). Through the said Merger, AXA Philippines and CPAIC shall become a single corporation. AXA Philippines shall be the surviving corporation. After the Merger, AXA Philippines shall assume all of CPAIC’s assets, liabilities, rights and obligations. The Plan of Merger was executed by the Corporation and CPAIC on 10 September 2021.

All policies under either AXA Philippines or CPAIC which were existing prior to the date of issuance of the Certificate of Filing of the Articles Merger by the Securities and Exchange Commission shall remain valid and subsisting (in accordance with such policy’s relevant terms and conditions). Your insurance policy with us will still be active and in-force and will not be affected by this Merger.

Through this Merger and after securing the necessary regulatory approvals for a composite license, you will have better access to insurance and protection to safeguard everything that matters to you—whether it’s life, health, or assets—with our complete suite of insurance products designed to address your needs.

If you have any concerns, we are available for immediate assistance via Live Chat at

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