How to fight the good fight against breast cancer: Awareness, treatment, prevention

22 January 2024 | 3 Min Read

Cancer is the third leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the country after diseases of the heart and the vascular system. Among Filipino women, the breast is the most common site for a cancer diagnosis.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the common symptoms of breast cancer include the following:

  • Any change in the size or shape of the breast
  • Pain in any area of the breast
  • Nipple discharge other than breast milk (including blood)
  • A new lump in the breast or underarm
  • If you have experienced any of the listed symptoms, be sure to see your doctor immediately.

How breast cancer is treated

Treating this condition is often done with a combination of treatments. This will depend on the type of breast cancer and how much it has spread in the patient's body. In general, these include the following:

  • Surgery. This is probably the most invasive form of treatment where the cancer tissue is physically cut out from the patient.
  • Radiation therapy. As the name would suggest, this uses a form of high-energy rays directed at the cancer cells to kill them.
  • Chemotherapy. Here, doctors use pills or medicine given intravenously to target the cancer cells, which then shrink or kill them.
  • Immunotherapy. This treatment focuses on boosting the patient's immune system to help it fight the cancer.
  • Hormone therapy. Cancer cells need hormones to grow. This form of therapy prevents these cells from getting the essential hormones, which slows down or stops their development.

Ways to prevent breast cancer

While breast cancer may be caused by a variety of factors such as one's genes, there are several things you can do to minimize your risk:

  • Live a healthy lifestyle. As always, your lifestyle will play a big role in your likelihood of getting breast cancer. Because of this, remember to exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, and minimize your alcohol consumption, among others.
  • Breastfeed. If you're a mom, you may also benefit from breastfeeding your baby when possible. Studies have shown that the longer you breastfeed, the better your chances of preventing breast cancer.
  • Limit the use of hormone therapy. Outside of treating breast cancer, hormone therapy can be harmful by increasing your risk of getting this condition. This is why it's important to speak with your doctor about possible risks and alternative treatment plans to avoid or minimize the dose needed and length of your hormone therapy.
  • Get checked regularly. The sooner the cancer is detected, the better your chances of fighting it off. This is why aside from doing your usual breast self-exam, also see your doctor regularly, especially if you detect a suspicious lump.

Apart from encouraging a healthy lifestyle and having regular checkups, it can also help to get health insurance. Global Health Access, complemented with Health Max, is a health insurance plan that offers a lump sum cash benefit upon the diagnosis of any of the 56 major critical illnesses, including breast cancer. Health Max provides protection until age 100, ensuring your peace of mind against the unexpected for a lifetime. AXA’s health insurance plans cover critical illnesses, including breast cancer, stroke, and heart attack.

Breast cancer can be scary, but proper awareness and protection, as well as the right partner like AXA Philippines, are all you need on your health journey.

Know you can game plan your way towards a healthy future today. Contact an AXA financial advisor to get started.

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