Ages and stages: Learn the changes women undergo throughout their lives

08 February 2024 | 4 Min Read

Women go through different phases throughout their lives. Understanding this is vital in helping them maintain their health and quality of life. For example, adolescents have different needs than those in their childbearing years.

We’ve become aware about women’s life stages based on their biological cycle, but the physical, psychological, and social issues affecting their well-being as they age remain unknown to many. That's why if you're a woman or have a wife, mother, or daughter, join us as we take a closer look at at the different life stages of women and how they relate to their well-being:

1. Adolescence

Adolescence typically may cover ages between 10 and 19. This is when girls notice the changes in their body, such as breast development and hair growth under the arms and near the genitalia. Most girls get their first period during this time around age 12 on average. This is also when curiosity and anxiety take over their lives. Social pressures and stress relating to school, family, and other personal matters also affect their physical and mental well-being during this stage. 

Among the habits that can help improve their well-being are eating healthy, having an active lifestyle, and developing a healthy body image. Counseling and early education on reproductive health are also helpful in this stage. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommends HPV vaccination to females aged nine to 12 years to help prevent the human papillomavirus (HPV) types that cause most cervical cancers.  

2. Young adulthood

Young professionals or adults are usually in their early to mid-20s. This is when a woman’s body starts to peak, having the energy to do more than one can handle. While this is usually the case, it’s best to take care of your mind and body and start investing in your health and future during this stage.  

Having regular health check-ups, cervical screening, and even breast self-checking can help maintain your health and well-being in the years to come. Health and life insurance plans that provide potential financial returns are also worth considering in early adulthood to protect you from what the future may bring. 

3. Adulthood/motherhood

At this stage, women may face social pressures on getting married and having kids. While many follow this path, others choose not to, and that’s equally acceptable. Women, after all, should be able to make autonomous decisions about their body and reproductive functions. 

This is also when women fulfill several roles relating to the well-being of their family, a loved one or relative’s education, personal relationships, and more. With these responsibilities, the feeling of exhaustion may begin to arise, which could lead to neglecting oneself to take care of others. 

Ensuring a healthy mind and body during this period is crucial. Some seemingly mild symptoms, for instance, can turn into serious medical conditions if left unchecked. According to a study, women at this stage are most likely to experience menstruation-related disorders and uterine or ovarian diseases, so it’s best to consult your doctor for signs of discomfort or if you’re experiencing any related symptoms.  

4. Midlife and beyond

After the childbearing years comes midlife, which usually occurs from age 45 to 65 and overlaps with old age. This is when women may experience changes in their monthly cycles, hot flashes, and other similar symptoms that lead to menopause. This marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles, which happens around 12 months after their last period.   

Some women at this age also encounter psychological and health issues that require immediate medical attention. To help ensure your health and safety, don’t miss any health check-ups, including breast and cervical cancer screening, bone health assessment, and mental health consultations that can help reduce your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Taking care of your health and well-being should always be a priority, no matter your age or stage in life. By living a healthy life, surrounding yourself with people that support your well-being, and investing in your health, you can breathe a little easier knowing you are taken care of.  

It's also worth considering getting affordable health insurance plans in the Philippines suited to your lifestyle and preferences. Some health plans support self-care for women and can be customized based on your desired coverage. 

Know you can game plan your financial preparation for any health setback by availing of AXA’s health insurance plans. For more information, talk to an AXA advisor today.

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